
Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Russians are Coming??????

After browsing the web today, I feel as if I’m living back in the 60’s when everyone was fearful of the Russians.  Give me a break.  The Russians did not, I repeat, did not rig this election.  For those cowering in corners in their “safe place” and wringing their hands with stress-relieving playdough GET OVER IT.  The election is over, and the country is going in a new, positive direction.  

It’s Obama’s fault (as well as Hillary’s and other liberals/socialists) the election went the way it did.  We the People are tired of politics as usual where special interests are more important than the people.  We the People are tired of the government handouts (paid by working taxpayers) that made unemployment more attractive than working; tired of a healthcare program that turned out to be a lie and a historic failure; tired of those in our country illegally getting better treatment than our senior citizens and veterans; tired of refugees being allowed entry into our country without proper vetting and also taking much needed funds from our senior citizens and veterans; tired of everyone’s rights being protected except conservative Christians and the unborn; tired of conservative beliefs considered racist, etc., and free speech limited to liberal rhetoric only. 

So quit blaming the Russians.  Blame We the People.  We wanted our country back, and we got it.  Adult-up, crawl out of your corner, put down the playdough and enjoy the next four years and hopefully eight. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sanctuary Cities - A Slap in the Face

Only 46 days until President-elect Trump takes office.  Yes, I am counting it down; a countdown to a better America.
What I most anticipate is Mr. Trump taking on sanctuary cities that are in full violation of federal law as it pertains to immigration.  It’s about time someone takes the security of our country and draining of taxpayers seriously.   

No, I do not have a cold heart.  I feel for those who entered this country illegally for a better life, but that doesn’t negate the fact they are here without authorization or proper vetting.  It doesn’t negate the fact they are allowed to receive benefits while millions of our citizens are struggling to survive, especially our homeless (including veterans).  It also doesn’t negate the fact that some of those sneaking across our borders are criminals while others have ties to terrorist organizations. 
Sanctuary cities are slapping the faces of immigrants who went through the proper channels as well as those who are still anxiously awaiting entry into our wonderful country willing to embrace our flag, assimilate and become productive taxpaying citizens.   
Do not accuse me of being un-Christian or bigoted – nothing could be further from the truth. There are ways to provide aid to those oppressed or in need without ignoring the law and the needs of our own citizenry our leaders are sworn to serve and protect. 
Enough said.   

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Election 2016: Accepting Defeat and Moving Forward

In fifty-four more days, Donald J. Trump will take the oath of office for President of the United States.  Although in Southern California, I am considering attending the historical event to witness the best thing that has happened to our country in decades. 

I have no concerns regarding the ludicrous request for a recount. According to all media reports, including mainstream, there has been no indication or evidence of tampering.   I cannot fathom what Jill Stein hopes to accomplish by the recount.  She wasn’t even a contender.  As far as Hillary goes, she must have fallen again and hit her head…causing her to forget she already conceded.  Remember what she said?  “We must accept this result and then look to the future.”

This last-ditch, foolish effort by both campaigns only delays the country coming together and moving forward.   Evidently, healing our country after such a contentious election is not a priority to them, which explains why Mr. Trump came out the victor.

To bear defeat with dignity,
to accept criticism with poise,
to receive honors with humility --
these are marks of maturity
and graciousness.
~William Arthur Ward

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Lethal Legacy

Don’t you find it interesting Obama is taking a trip while the country is in turmoil?  Here is the President of the United States who should be asking for calm while the liberal snowflakes are throwing temper tantrums because they didn’t get their way. 

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.  He’s upset too, because his so-called legacy as President will be one of failure. With Mr. Trump in office, our country will turn around and the effects of liberal kool-aid will wear off allowing the snowflakes to see what actually happened during his eight years in office:

  • Out of control federal spending – the total debt he racked up was more than all other presidents combined
  • Encouraged illegal immigration by creating sanctuary cities (funded by taxpayers)
  • Encouraged illegal immigration by not allowing border control agents to do their jobs
  • Created eight years of people getting “entitled” rather than employed
  • Weakened national security by allowing refugees in without proper vetting
  • Allowed federal agencies to be manipulated by special interest groups
  • Brought forth the deterioration of race relations
  • Allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate our government
  • Failed to support Israel
  • Required religious organizations to go against their beliefs by providing abortion, abortifacient drugs and birth control in their health insurance coverage
  • Took more vacations than any other U.S. President
  • Spent more money on vacations than any other U.S. President
  • Increased crime in inner cities
  • Gutted our military might
  • Fired the likes of Mike Flynn because he dared mention Radical Islamic Terrorism
  • Increased corruption of the DOJ, IRS, FBI
  • Increased murder of police officers
  • Enemies now consider the United States weak and vulnerable
  • Failed to acknowledge terror attacks within our borders were perpetrated by Radical Islam (even tried to call one of them  "workplace violence")
  • Openly supported the false label of conservatives being racist, homophobic, etc.
  • Approves of transgenders using whatever bathroom he/she chooses
  • Welcomes "artists" to perform at the White House whose lyrics promote violence against police and women.
  • Left the Democratic Party in shambles resulting in the fewest Democrats in office since 1929
And you wonder why I'm so excited about the next four years? 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Shout Out to Liberals

A week ago today, Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States.  The number of electoral votes showed a substantial victory.  I cannot say for sure, but I am willing to wager that once all the votes are counted he will also garner the lead in the popular vote as well.  If not, Clinton’s lead in that respect will be razor thin. 
The mainstream media is walking around with proverbial egg on the face because they smugly predicted a Clinton landslide.  The liberal population is pointing a finger of blame towards everyone and everything. My response is one of my favorite quotes, "When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back to you."
Contrary to mainstream media’s fearmongering, this election was not about racism, homophobia, etc., etc., etc.  It was about accountability, security, and freedom.  When Mr. Trump said, “Make America Great Again,” I wholeheartedly agreed.  A great America is a strong America, not one that is soft on corruption, crime, and terrorism. Not one that is soft on threats to our constitution. 
In the past eight years, we have witnessed corruption at an alarming rate within the government; crime rates soar in inner cities and multiple terror attacks from people living here.  We have seen children in the womb continue to die, second amendment rights threatened as well as religious freedom.

~ It's about time media becomes an objective source of news, rather than bought and paid for by special interests.

~ It’s about time our laws are applied equally, regardless of status or position. 

~ Our prisons need to stop pandering to inmates, thus making people think first before committing crimes. (I am a firm believer in chain gangs that work fields and roads – a means to make prisons self-funded and not a financial drain on taxpayers.) 

~ Our borders need to be secured to stop the continuing influx of terrorists and drugs.  Also, taxpayer dollars are used to pay for social programs that are supporting illegal immigrants (i.e., sanctuary cities).  Shouldn't those dollars be used for our own citizens and especially our veterans?   

~ Our constitution needs to be protected as written, not interpreted to appease a particular mindset.
We the People finally said, “enough is enough.” In all honesty, if it weren’t for the liberals, Mr. Trump would not have gotten elected.   And for that, my liberal friends, I thank you!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Election 2016 - Violence and Safety Pins

Donald Trump was elected President of the United States.  The people have spoken, regardless what anyone else says.  So instead of accepting the results we see violent protests, students too traumatized to go to class, parents telling their children they will be ripped away from them, we are nearing World War III, etc., etc., etc.    

Now comes the “Safety Pin.”  Something worn to show solidarity against racism, etc. and a silent protest against a Trump presidency.  What happens if I don’t wear one? Does that mean I can't be trusted? Does that mean I’m a racist, homophobe, etc.?  Does that mean I shouldn’t leave my home for fear of being verbally or possibly physically attacked?   As far as I’m concerned, it’s just one more way to identify and  “label” those of us who voted for change  We who voted against corruption and a declining country.  We who voted for a better economy, secure borders, affordable healthcare, protection of the unborn, protection of religious freedom and protection of the Constitution as written not interpreted. 

There wouldn’t be protests or the need for safety pins if the mainstream media and far left politicians would accept the voice of “The People,” rather than spewing false alarmist predictions of a Trump presidency.  There wouldn’t be protests if the whiny Hollywood stars would go back to their mansions or leave the country (as promised) instead of preying on the uninformed and impressionable youth who apparently don’t understand the political system.  There wouldn’t be protests if college professors would do their job and teach students responsibility and expect maturity rather than pandering to a sobbing mob who didn’t get their way. There wouldn’t be protests if winners got trophies and losers learned to try harder.  

I applaud Hillary’s concession speech and Mr. Obama’s statements supporting the smooth transition of power, but they need to do more.  They need to admonish their supporters and instruct them to respect the country we live in by accepting the results of the election.  Mr. Trump could speak out, but those protesting won’t listen to him, now will they?   

Four years from now, if Mr. Trump is not doing a good job then vote him out.  In the interim, just as I had to do with Mr. Obama for eight long years, give President-elect Trump a chance. He will be OUR President....and I for one am encouraged.  I believe he will do great things for our country. 
The ballots were counted and the results confirmed.  The sooner we accept the results and wish him well, the better off we will be.  You have a choice ... Pull up the big girl/boy panties and suck it up, or use the safety pins for your diapers. 

That is my rant for today.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Exposing Hillary #13: Thanks, Hillary!

To:   Hillary Rodham Clinton

I’ve been writing this letter in my head for quite some time and decided it was time to put it on paper. 

When your husband ran for President, I was one of his biggest supporters.  I ignored the “rumors” of his roving eyes.  I thought a strong, independent woman, such as you, would never have tolerated that type of behavior and leave him.   My heart broke for you as one after another of his dalliances were verified.  I saw the pain in your eyes when you stood by his side. I knew it must have been difficult, but I wondered why you continued to do so.  Then, instead of holding him accountable for his actions, you directed your anger towards the women instead.  You called them “trailer trash,” “looney tunes,” etc.  You publicly humiliated them when the one who should have been humiliated was your husband.  Thanks, Hillary. 

During this campaign, you attacked Mr. Trump for his unfortunate comments towards women and introduced alleged victims of abuse by Mr. Trump without an ounce of proof (of which two have already been discredited).  As a champion of women, you should have known that bringing forward false abuse claims discourages women who have truly suffered abuse.  By putting those women in the public eye, then having their stories debunked, other women will not pursue justice due to fear of being disbelieved and further humiliated.  Thanks, Hillary. 

If you are such a champion of women, why are you accepting millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia and Qatar?  Those countries are legendary in their degradation, abuse, and suppression of their women.  Thanks, Hillary. 

If you are such a champion of women, why are you taking so much money from Planned Parenthood?  Their lies and misrepresentation of abortion have done nothing but harm women facing unplanned pregnancies.  They are not provided with alternatives to abortion or accurate information as to the possible devastating physical, spiritual and emotional side effects.  They are not told their babies are “parted out” to the highest bidder.  And nowyou come out publicly that  late-term abortion up to and including the ninth month is appropriate when it would save the life of the mother.  You claimed Donald Trump was not accurate when he described the late-term abortion procedure as having babies torn apart.   Late term abortions are not used to save the life of the mother, verified by an agency tied to Planned Parenthood.  You are accepting blood money from Planned Parenthood at the expense of women and future women.  Thanks, Hillary. 

And now, it has been reported the FBI is 99% sure your illegal server was compromised by five foreign intelligence agencies.  That is not just criminal; it puts not just women at risk but the whole country.  Thanks, Hillary. 

I would love to see a strong, independent woman as the leader of our wonderful country… one that would break the glass ceiling, not her promises to women, not the law.  Thanks, Hillary. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Exposing Hillary #12: Don't Uncork the Champagne Quite Yet

Well, well, well guess I’m back!

Honestly, I was astonished at the reopening of the Clinton e-mail investigation and ecstatic.  I truly think Comey’s conscience got the better of him after acquiescing to political pressure by failing to move forward with Hillary’s indictment the first time.

The Clinton Cartel is attempting to downplay the investigation by claiming Comey’s explanation does not specifically point the finger at Hillary.  What?  How can they say that?  The investigation was ABOUT Hillary.   What I also find interesting is that now Comey is doing the right thing, the Clinton Cartel is crying, “foul!”   

I think it’s time for everyone to take a good, hard look at who we want in the White House and remember the charges Hillary is facing:

  1. 18 USC 1343 – Bribery
  2. 18 USC 208 – Acts Affecting a Personal Financial Interest
  3. 18 USC 371 – Conspiracy
  4. 18 USC 1001 – False Statements
  5. 18 USC 1342 – Frauds and Swindles (Mail Fraud)
  6. 18 USC 1343 – Fraud by Wire
  7. 18 USC 1349 – Attempt and Conspiracy (To Commit Fraud)
  8. 18 USC 1505 – Obstruction of Justice
  9. 18 USC 1519 – Destruction (Alteration or Falsification) of Records in Federal Investigations or/and Bankruptcy
  10. 18 USC 1621 – Perjury (Including Documents signed Under Penalty of Perjury)
  11. 18 USC 1905 – Disclosure of Confidential Information
  12. 18 USC 1924 – Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Documents or Materials
  13. 18 USC 2071 – Concealment (Removal or Mutilation) of Government Records
  14. 18 USC 7201 – Attempt to Evade a Tax (Use of Clinton Foundation Funds for Personal or Political Purposes).
  15. 18 USC 7212 – Attempts to Interfere with Administration of Internal Revenue Laws

And, remember.  After Comey had decided not to pursue an indictment, he did admit to the oversight committee that Hillary lied to the FBI and did, in fact, transmit confidential, classified and top-secret information through her private, unsecured server.
The good news is that even though mainstream media is still biased against Mr. Trump, they are starting to temper their support for Clinton by finally reporting the truth.  Even members of the Democratic party are backing away; they don’t want their personal campaigns tarnished.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Exposing Hillary #11: Points to Ponder

I said I had finished with my political posts, but needed to do one hopes of promoting the use of common sense and logic.

Points to ponder
before going to the polls:

  1. Donald Trump has made some distasteful remarks; however, he accepted responsibility and apologized.  The women coming forward regarding his alleged abuse just happened to surface right before the election, and there were no witnesses or proof to corroborate the abuse.  In fact, two of the accusers have already been discredited. 
  2. Hillary Clinton publicly humiliated Monica Lewinsky who had an affair with her husband.  Mr. Clinton was impeached for lying about it under oath. 
  3. Donald Trump is not a politician and wants to clear out the status-quo in Washington. 
  4. Hillary Clinton wants Washington to continue, as usual, using special interest groups to guide her policies.
  5. Donald Trump wants to abolish Obamacare.
  6. Hillary Clinton wants to keep Obamacare with a few tweaks.  The premiums are outrageous and now will increase by 22% next year.
  7. Donald Trump wants to help minorities and the inner cities that are in a state of upheaval. 
  8. Hillary Clinton has done nothing while in public office to do anything to help minorities or the inner cities.  In fact, her campaign staff said she hates the everyday American. 
  9. Donald Trump wants to Defund Planned Parenthood.  He knows there are medical clinics all around the country that provide quality healthcare for women either free of charge or on a sliding scale.  He also knows abortion is not healthcare.   
  10. One of Hillary Clinton’s biggest supportesr is Planned Parenthood because they want taxpayers to pay for abortion.  Their abortion clinics are located in poor, minority neighborhoods which are depleting the minority population.  (Read what the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. has to say.)  PLUS,  Hillary has no problem with late-term abortion up to the ninth month.
  11. Donald Trump wants to protect the 2nd Amendment.
  12. Hillary Clinton thinks if there are more restrictions to gun buying crime will decrease.  Chicago has the strictest gun control laws and the highest crime rate.
  13. Donald Trump wants to select Supreme Court Justices who protect the Constitution as it is written.
  14.  Hillary Clinton wants to select Supreme Court Justices who interpret the Constitution as it pertains to special interest groups.  See last debate.
  15. Donald Trump supports religious freedom.
  16. Hillary Clinton has publicly stated people need to change their religious views.  It has been proven her campaign staff is attacking Evangelical Christians and Catholics, and her running mate is making a mockery of his faith.
  17. Donald Trump has his money and doesn’t need special interest groups to influence his policies.
  18. Hillary Clinton gets millions of dollars from special interest groups which will influence her policies, regardless who it hurts.
  19. Donald Trump’s proposed tax cuts will bring back jobs and help the middle class.
  20. Hillary Clinton’s proposed tax hikes will force companies to close, thus increase unemployment.  Tax hikes will kill the middle class.
  21. Donald Trump plans on appointing independent counsel to further investigate the Clinton Foundation for improper actions.
  22. The Clinton Foundation has been accepting funds from countries that have violated basic human rights.  Most importantly, abuse and devaluing of women.
  23. Donald Trump wants to protect our citizens by closing the borders.
  24. Hillary Clinton publicly announced she wants open borders even though she admits there is no way to properly vet those coming in.
  25. Donald Trump has not put our country in danger by having a personal server that transmitted confidential information.
  26. Hillary Clinton transmitted confidential information, admitted it, after denying it to Congress.
  27. Donald Trump’s campaign has not been accused of voter fraud or inciting violence.
  28. It has been proven Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been involved in voter fraud and inciting violence. 
  29. Donald Trump is not behind in the polls as people would like to believe.
  30. It has been proven, under no uncertain terms, the polls have been manipulated to show a Clinton lead in an attempt to discourage Trump voters.
  31. Donald Trump has been speaking about the Wikileaks e-mails which show the corruption of the Clinton campaign.
  32. The Clinton campaign, except one, has not denied the content of the e-mails.  It has been verified they are valid e-mails and said e-mails were not altered in any way contrary to what Donna Brazile claims.

These are the facts  like them or not.   Use the intelligence and common sense you were blessed with.  If there isn’t a link to one of the points, pull up the video of the last debate.
Those who stand by someone who will ruin our country will be just as complicit in its destruction.

This just in:
Obamacare has officially released their 2017 prices! For a family of 4 (both parents 40, 1 boy & 1 girl) your average price is between $1,900 and $2,300 a month. Oh, and don't forget your $2,000 - $5,000 deductible. These are your "hard working middle class families" that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton always talk about taking care of. Not to mention your: Mortgage/Rent, electric, water, food, car and other utilities. THIS IS NOT HELPING AMERICANS! We the people, cannot afford this anymore. Everyone, please open up your eyes and see the real issues that are staring you right in the face! Our country can do much better than this.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


This is my last political blog post.  As I told a friend, no one wants to open their eyes and see the truth.  It appears Visine has been replaced by Superglue.  So to close it are my top ten “eye-opening” posts from Hillary supporters… 

  1. “Our country has gotten better, not worse, over the last 8 years.”  What country are you living in?
  2. "Yes, there should be great outrage at the pain and death that pro-life voters like you are causing when you support defunding Planned Parenthood, and the necessary result of hundreds to thousands more abortions.”  Huh?  Could you explain that? 
  3. “Google the FIRST GOP DEBATE and listen to Trump's words. I believe it was about 10 months ago, when he stated he intends on killing families of other religions and races, this includes women and children.”   Excuse me? 
  4. “Hillary and Bill Clinton have not made a dime off of the foundation, they have donated millions of their own personal monies to support the amazing work they do around the world.”  Have you read the foundation tax returns?  Compare foundation salaries to donations.
  5.  “These are ridiculous excuses to avoid stating that you are a racist. God gave us all freedom of choice and the government should not take that away. Their only responsibility is to ensure health and safety of a mother and child (after the fetus has a heartbeat). The bible was written long before modern medicine could detect a heartbeat to determine the child is alive.”  What the heck?
  6. “There is no such thing as an abortion in the 9th month. That is called a caesarean section and the birth of a full term baby.”   Hope you are not an OB/GYN.
  7. Had to throw this one in:  “Been waiting to hear Oprah's perspective!!!”  I feel so much better now that Oprah has told us how to vote.  
  8. And this one:  (Kept the spelling from the post):  Trump supporters are just like him. They are illiterate and probely would not be able to read or understand anything someone tells them.   Probely need to do more reading yourself? 
  9. This one is just plain scary:  Even if everything the Trump team "exposes" about Hillary is true, she is still over qualified to be our president. Trump has no political experience, is a bad businessman, and a horrible human. There is no contest.”  Corruption and lies are okay?  How have the politicians been doing for ya???
  10. “Woman that like Trump must be controlled by their husbands.”   That one is just sad…..
Those were just a few of the most entertaining (but most telling) posts of people wanting Hillary as the leader of our country. 

Donald Trump has made mistakes, but none that involve national security.  He has said some disdainful things, but his actions have not put people in harm’s way.  Yes, Trump is rich but so are the Clintons.  How did Mr. Trump get that way?  Through education, hard work, and business sense.  How did the Clintons get that way?  Politics.  Our country needs a business approach, not the fat cat DC politicos that recklessly spend our hard-earned tax dollars for their stupid pet projects and cronyism.

I am going to take the rest of the time before the election to pray that God blesses the voters with wisdom and pray people will come together to promote change in our government.  We need to take a stand and tell politicians we deserve more than we are getting.  They should be listening to us, We the People.  Forget about voting party lines.  Vote for the security of our country, the respect of our Constitution and protection of every American life.