
Friday, May 19, 2017

The Ludicrous Left: They Just Can't Stop Themselves

It appears the Democrats in Washington can’t stop themselves from looking like total morons.  Their lack of common sense and integrity is expanding by epidemic proportions as President Trump tries to put our country back together and strengthen it. 

Healthcare:  We had to laugh when Pelosi said, “people will die,” because of the new health care bill.  What a crock!  The Democrats don’t want to tarnish Obama’s legacy, regardless if it hurts citizens or not.  Obamacare is an utter failure (as was his whole presidency) ... AND based on their childish behavior, if President Trump had a healthcare bill that provided 100% coverage for every citizen at no charge, they would reject it.  

Comey’s Firing:  The backlash on Comey’s firing is almost comedic looking back at how the likes of Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi wanted him fired for what he did to Hillary.   Anyone with an ounce of intellect would have applauded the President’s actions rather than create another conspiracy theory. 

President Trump asking Comey to stop the investigation into Flynn:  It appears lamestream media can insinuate something totally unsubstantiated and the talking heads run with it.  We are waiting for them to grab on something as stupid as President Trump being an alien from Mars and hiring a special investigator to prove it … anything to distract the public from hearing all the good he has already done for the country. 

Where was the Independent Counsel …

*When Obama whispered to the Russians he would have more flexibility after his election?
*The “gift” of uranium to Russia as quid pro quo for a donation to the Clinton Foundation? 
*Benghazi ?
*The $400 million in cash Obama paid for the American hostages? 
*The IRS sham silencing and targeting conservative voices/501©3 companies and the head of IRS  destroying her computer?
* Loretta Lynch meeting with slick Willy on the Arizona tarmac?
* The destroyed cell phones/computers of Miss Hillary?

Murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich:  Where is the lamestream media coverage about this?  Mr. Rich was a disgruntled Democratic National Committee staffer and based on reliable sources (not innuendo), he was communicating with Wikileaks.  The D.C. police consider it a robbery even though his watch and wallet were still on his body.  AND ….   if it was just a robbery, why was the FBI called in?  Hmmmm.

If anyone ever took an honest look at the underbelly of Obama and his administration, with the help of the Clinton's and others on the left, it would prove how corrupt they truly are. No wonder the Demoncrats are pitching a fit and trying to clog the system with false news and innuendo's.  Desperate people do desperate things which is why, whatever President Trump says or does, the talking heads manipulate the truth into something preposterous to wreak more havoc and create more hatred, panic, and fear in the snowflakes.  President Trump is not the enemy – he’s the light at the end of the tunnel of the left’s liberal and socialistic policies. 

Note To You Left-Wingers:  Keep in mind, even if you were successful (slim chance of that) in ousting the President there will nothing to celebrate...we have the other light right behind him Vice-President Pence.  Be afraid, be very afraid.  

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Political Correctness: Pillars of Socialism

Thanks to political correctness, certain terms have been high-jacked to strengthen and advance a socialist agenda.  Words such as tolerance, equality, and diversity are now battle cries for a socialist society.

The definition of tolerance is “a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions, beliefs, and practices that differ from one's own.”  It is evident today the definition has changed.  The only way to be tolerant, according to liberals, is to accept everything they say and if not, expect riots, demonstrations, threats, and physical/verbal personal attacks. Liberals utilize what they claim are first amendment rights (except for the riots, threats, attacks) yet deny those same rights to anyone with opposing views.  A recent case in point:  Conservative speaker Ann Coulter’s canceled appearance at UC Berkeley due to threats of demonstrations and possible violence from leftist students.  Denying anyone the right to share an alternative viewpoint (and in Ms. Coulter’s case, the TRUTH), is akin to censorship which is one of the pillars of Socialism.

Let’s move on to equality.  The preamble to the Constitution states that “All men are created equal.”  Yes, we are all created equal, but through circumstance, our paths are not.  In this day and age, contrary to the liberal rhetoric, we all have the same opportunities.  It’s what we do with those opportunities that determine our station in life.  The left believes all paths should converge and wealth redistributed regardless if those less fortunate ended up in that position due to squandered opportunities and bad choices.  Sadly, liberal logic also calls for punishing the successful by taxing them to the max.  Why?  I wonder if it has anything to do with all the government freebies (healthcare, food stamps, welfare, cell-phones, birth control, abortion) paid for by those same taxes. Guess what?  Redistribution of wealth and government dependence are also pillars of Socialism.

Diversity is what makes our country great, or at least it did.  We used to celebrate the presence of different ethnic backgrounds and cultures within our borders, but now diversity has taken an immoral and illegal turn by including homosexuality and “undocumented” immigrants. People of faith are taught to love their neighbors, and we do.  That doesn’t mean we should be forced to abandon our beliefs and values by accepting and celebrating behavior that goes against God’s teachings and the law, yet that’s the way it is today. 

Following our faith and defending the sanctity of marriage now results in civil action. Remember the cake?  A baker refused to bake one for a gay wedding because it went against his religious beliefs.  Instead of the couple respecting the baker’s faith and going elsewhere, they decided to sue, thus putting the baker out of business (reverse diversity?) Speaking out against behavior that is contrary to God’s word is not only unacceptable but also prosecutable.  

We are also expected to accept illegal immigrants into our diverse society.  It doesn’t matter that we have no idea of their background.  Granted, not all illegal immigrants are dangerous criminals (they are breaking the law, however) but how many murderers, drug dealers and child molesters have crossed the same border?  Without vetting, we have no idea.  So, thanks to the liberal lawmakers, law enforcement and ICE officials can’t enforce immigration law and protect communities.  Additionally, there are inadequate (or ignored) controls for handing out welfare checks and food stamps and hardworking citizens pay for it all through their hard-earned tax dollars. In regards to taxes, while citizens struggle with taxes every year, illegals are able to claim a $1,000 tax credit per child WITHOUT a Social Security number and get federal money?  And if that's not bad enough, IRS encourages illegals to use fraudulent Social Security numbers to file taxes, and rest assured their are millions lost in fraudulent refunds as well. 

If liberals have it their way, we will all be forced to live in an immoral and valueless society with no respect for law and order.   Of course, they don’t see it that way.  Through their rose-colored glasses, they see one big, government controlled, happy family.  Hence, another pillar of socialism.

Is that really how you want to live?