Before I begin my rant,please know I am not in politics. I am a former bra-burning - prochoice feminist and Democrat but through age and maturity, faced the truth and saw what was happening to our country. I am a (gasp!) God-fearing, Catholic, Conservative Republican.... and contrary to what the left thinks ... NOT a bigot, homophobe, xenophobe or any other "phobe," (except for heights and small spaces). My circle of friends include all races, faiths, nationalities and sexual preference. In fact my family is a melting pot all of its own. I am just me ... a down-to-earth citizen of the United States who is saying," I have had about enough", and today while fighting a migraine was not the time to get me started.
No President has been more maligned and disrespected, and it has to stop. Never in history have so many so-called adults acted so heinously after an election. Never in history have we seen people in positions of power call for disruption within communities and personal public attacks on those in the current administration (and not been held accountable). President Trump is not perfect, no one is, but at least he’s doing his job (or trying to) and the evidence is out there for all to see …but then the blinders have to be removed first. He has done more for this country in his short time in office than Obama even thought of doing in his eight years. Our economy is growing, jobs have been created, and more minorities are employed now than in decades. The threat in North Korea has lessened, and he is trying to develop a workable relationship with Russia to stave off any issues there. He tried to come up with some solutions on Dreamers, but no one wanted to act. Democrats don’t care about the illegal immigrants but use them as pawns for votes. Not only that … he is following the law of the land just like Obama, Bush and Clinton did as it pertained to illegal immigration, yet he is being maligned for it. He is trying to select a Supreme Court justice that would do what they are supposed to do……uphold and interpret the law, not make it – contrary to what the left wants a Justice to do. He wants to protect the rights of citizens (most importantly LIFE, religious freedom and bearing arms). He takes pride in our country and would NEVER apologize for the United States (like Obama did). He stands equal to all other leaders in the world and does not show weakness. He would never consider providing financial support to groups with ties to terrorism. He is trying to get a healthcare plan that benefits ALL, without the lies. What happened to choose your own doctor, lower premiums, etc., that Obama promised? Our President supports law enforcement and ICE as they are the ones protecting the citizens of the United States. He has strengthened the military and has taken steps to improve the benefits and services provided to our veterans.
I sometimes cringe at some of his tweets and believe it or not, there are some things he says I don’t agree with … but I would rather have that than have someone telling him what to say and when to say it. Yes, he speaks his mind and sometimes it’s brash, but snowflake language didn’t work for eight or more years. Yes, he had affairs (probably not as many as accused) and made some vile comments, but that was before he was in office and some well before he even considered running… unlike others…(ahem). Back then they said Clinton's actions had nothing to do with how he ran the why is today any different? I didn't condone it then and I don't now...but has it affected the economy? National Security? Not then and not now. Folks, let's remember...those who live in glass houses …..And let’s not forget Hillary’s actions while Secretary of State (her contacts with Russia, the Benghazi tragedy) or when she was running ( deleting evidence - e-mails, cell phones, erasing her illegal server). If anyone needs to be scrutinized, it should be her. Even if she’s not in office (thank God), she should be held accountable, just like Comey and the rest who lied to investigators. And if there were any instances of Russian collusion by President Trump, with all the leaks in the government, it would suffice to say it would have been out by now.
What would happen if for one day everyone, including media, pointed out the positives in this administration without any “buts”? What would happen if for one day media would only print or broadcast news that was verified through actual reliable sources? In fact, what would happen if for one day all media would be objective rather than biased? Would the world come to an end? Maybe it would give those so obsessed with the destruction of this administration food for thought.