
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Can We Ever Go Back?

In this volcanic political environment, ordinarily peaceful and thoughtful people have been reduced to raging, thoughtless and heartless combatants, including myself at times.   On both sides of the fence, there are attacks through all means of social media in an attempt to persuade the opposition. I’m not pointing the finger at a specific side; however, it is obvious one is much more contemptible than the other, and that is due to the lack of objectivity in the press through misleading and in some cases purely false reporting. 

Regardless of the situation, we have been thrust into this quagmire of anger, disgust, and pure hatred.  This is NOT the United States I grew up in, and it is NOT the United States the founders meant it to be.  Unethical politicians from the local level all the way up have sold their soul to the devil.  They proclaim to love our country and want what’s best for the citizens of our great nation, but they don't.   It’s not about patriotism or dedication to constituents … It’s about power and control.  It’s about manipulating the press through financial and/or other means to mislead the public by reporting non-factual, dramatic stories inciting outrage for those who consider whatever is published or broadcast the truth.  The fact a nominee to the Supreme Court being called a rapist and sexual predator on certain news channels and newspapers without the term “alleged” or "accused" says it all. 


To common decency and consideration towards our friends and neighbors regardless of political leanings?

To expecting ethical behavior in our elected officials and demanding they be held accountable for their actions, regardless of party?  

To having fair and balanced reporting?

To celebrities using their status as a means to not promote one group of people and demean another, but to promote unity?

To having equal justice under the law?

To having citizens accept the results of elections and behaving in a manner that would reflect maturity and respectability?

To having the citizens and the security of this great country put first and foremost in the eyes of all elected officials?

To believing ALL lives matter including those in the womb?

Moreover and most importantly ….

To having a country where morals, faith, and integrity are not ridiculed but celebrated?

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